Let's first figure out why it hurts us so much to lose money?

Because for many people, money represents stability, security and opportunity. Losing money can cause feelings of vulnerability, stress and anxiety due to the loss of resources that we consider important to our well-being.

Indeed, life without money is much more difficult than with it.

Well, what about $BTC ? Can a temporary drop in price be called a loss of money?

The logical answer is no. After all, when trading at #binance you should have long ago gotten used to cycles of price changes. This is part of the life of any stock, money, and even more so cryptocurrency

However, as soon as the numbers turn red, many people’s hearts begin to beat much faster.

This minus, which glows next to the % sign, is like a splinter, like an endless and all-encompassing irritant.

And the longer it glows, and the greater the value of this %, the more it seems to us that we are losing control of the situation.

Although, if you think about it, did we have this control at all?

Can we control changes in the price of $ETH or $XRP or any other coin? Or maybe we can control events in the world that affect the price?

We only have control over our actions and only if we are truly aware of this fact.

After all, even realizing our helplessness, we subconsciously want to have power over our circumstances.

It seems so simple and obvious, but only at first glance.

We frantically check the charts every minute, intensively read the news, trying to understand what is the reason for the fall and, as a result, we begin to think about the options of which coin to buy in order to recover possible losses.

And I think all traders know what such impulsive purchases lead to 😩

Our desire for excessive control leads us to lose control over the only thing we truly have control over - ourselves.

Sometimes, the surest way to avoid problems is to let go of the situation and do nothing, especially when we cannot influence this situation in any way.

More than once, the history of the cryptocurrency world has shown that if you don’t twitch, but be patient, the result will be much better than changing your strategy on the fly.

Therefore, on the eve of #HalvingBTC remember this!

No matter how the market develops in the near future, in the end, with a high degree of probability, #BTC will recover, and possibly increase its positions

If you have read this far, then you liked the article, I really hope ☺️

I plan to do a large series of articles on the psychology of trading and control of emotions, so I would be grateful if you appreciate my efforts.

Even 0.5 USDT will give me motivation 😉

My #binance ID 397467786

Please support me if you have the opportunity

Thank you for your time and remember, the power is within you!