What are the most possible scenarios in the coming weeks? .

Lately I have seen too many comments about a big drop or that even the bull market is over, but the reality is that if you look closely we have already been at these levels for a few weeks, but this same uncertainty is what generated a big drop in prices. alts, to the point that many of them are at oversold prices and we also reach neutral in the fearandgread index.

But it won't really fall as much as 50k, but we shouldn't go to the other extreme of thinking that we will end the month at 80k.

The most likely thing is that we enter a correction in time, in which we move unilaterally for the remainder of the month and until the end of May, but I see very clearly that if on the day of having we do not fall below 58k, we should not worry about more falls. And it may be a deep drop to 50k and in the same week return to 65k.

And the other scenario, which is the green one, is that it generates speculation and news so big that we surpass ath in these days, and then correct it and return to the soil zone. What is clear is that we are creating a strong support zone where our ceilings now will be our supports in the coming months. And when we break them again next year, it is a very good idea to go in short and get very large percentages.