#空投 The address is in the comment area. Unification Drop brings together the community, including developers, educators, stakers and other contributors; including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Cosmos, Avalanche, Near and other ecosystems

600M AVAIL allocated to eligible addresses

The reward categories are as follows, including developers across the blockchain ecosystem, incentivized testnet contributors, rollup users, Polygon PoS stakers, and community members who have made significant contributions to the blockchain ecosystem.

1. Blockchain ecosystem developers

Developers in the blockchain ecosystem have been working for years to build and scale public blockchains to improve the decentralized coordination of people around the world.

Unification needs to start at the most fundamental level. This includes Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Cosmos, Avalanche, Near, and other blockchains that make unique contributions to the blockchain ecosystem.

Eligible addresses of Github accounts that have contributed to the public repositories of the projects in the image below can now verify their AVAIL claims.

2. Node Conflict Incentives for Testnet Contributors

As part of the Node Conflict Incentivized Testnet, over 87,000 accounts contributed to the Goldberg testnet, processing over 118 million transactions. During the testing phase alone, Avail DA facilitated enough data submissions to meet all L2 requirements in 2023 (140 GB).

To reward those who run the most reliable infrastructure, build high-performance rollups, and submit large amounts of data to Avail DA, AVAIL has been allocated to eligible addresses based on their position on the leaderboard.

The best performing light client operators participating in light client launches are also randomly selected to receive AVAIL rewards.

3. Aggregate users

As the future of blockchain centers on Rollups as a key solution to scalability challenges, we want to show our appreciation to the most active Rollup users, acknowledging the role they play in shaping the future of the technology.

Users of these rollups have helped build the rollup ecosystem as it exists today, and AVAIL has been made available to wallets on @arbitrum One, @Optimism Mainnet, @0xPolygon zkEVM, @Starknet, and @zkSync, based on eligibility criteria.

4. Polygon PoS Stakeholders

@0xPolygon played a very important role in the early days of Avail.

Avail was founded within Polygon Labs in 2020 and later became an independent entity, led by former Polygon co-founder @anuragarjun and head of research @prabalbanerjee.

Avail is excited to now give back to the Polygon ecosystem that helped launch Avail, by rewarding Polygon PoS stakers. The snapshot was taken on March 31, 2024. For more information, see the eligibility criteria.

5. Important community contributors

To reward those who help shape the future of decentralized governance, we distributed rewards to a variety of contributors, including renowned academic institutions. Other contributors and educators in the ecosystem also received rewards.

Avail wouldn’t be what it is today without the daily involvement of key contributors to the Avail community, such as those who help answer community questions and refine knowledge for others on our channels.

Rewards will be distributed among the most active contributors who helped us get here.