Faith recharge

#Cosmos Ecosystem

Last week’s black swan account did shrink a lot.

But I happen to have some money on hand to invest in stocks.

Copied 1,000 pieces 8$TIA and $ATOM

Today the project team is still modularizing Dubai

Modular also has $CTSI

Future Trends

Tia bought it for 3$ for 21$ without stopping.

Now it’s so good compared to 50% off at all.

Yesterday I sold some voo qqq and prepared to continue covering my position.

After completion, put keplr wallet into pledge

Leek retail investors who are eager to stir up the topic continue to flee

I continue to answer

If you believe, please take your coins

If you think the dealer is screwing up the market, don’t play with cryptocurrencies.

How to destroy decentralized projects

Finally, I also took some to buy Ether series and Ada.

If it continues to fall, I will continue to buy.

If you think it’s rubbish, please give me your chips😁

Should there be a cosmos or modular ETF 😂