【3.3 billion CNY capital was reorganized and redistributed, 64,035 people were liquidated and returned to zero, and the market is still highly volatile! 】

2024.4.18 8:56 AM BTC market analysis

Recently, the Bitcoin spot ETF has continued to flow out, which has added a lot of bad emotions to the already tight market. Whether you admit it or not, the current big cake weekly line is a trend of stepping back. The monthly line has completely wiped out the increase of last month, and the Yin line has swallowed up the Yang K in March. This is not a good phenomenon for long-term players. It will affect the confidence of some long-term players. Short-term players have been trapped, and medium- and long-term players are struggling whether to reduce their positions. This depends entirely on how long their cycle is. If it is until the end of the year, I still recommend that long-term players do not move. If it is at the end of the year, you can appropriately reduce your positions. This depends on your own cycle!

BTC attention

Support 60000/52000

Pressure 63600-64000

The price of Bitcoin last night was 10-20 times lower than the previous low price, which was 3.3 billion CNY. With such a small difference, the previous stop loss was used up! Therefore, the contract must not be structured in the near future. If you make money, you will sell 80% of the position; Bitcoin continues to wait for the intraday option near 60000, and will not make a move without a pin!

#大盘走势 $BTC