RWA Hidden Gem - Bullish Alpha Part 1.

Blackrock has entered the RWA game, a sector with huge potential & market share but still undervalued. Here are 8 Hidden Gems that will make you regret if you miss them

1. As an Investor, Trong only focuses on 4 main pieces of the puzzle including: Private Credit, Treasuries, Infrastructure & Marketplace.

2. $CFG - @centrifuge L1 EVM acts as a Platfrom Onchain Credit with the best cash flow performance in the Private Credit segment with a loan amount of 294M$.

With Backed voltage stabilizers such as: @fabric_vc, Coinbase Ventures, Galaxy Ventures, IOSG Ventures, BlockTower Capital,...13495

In the context of#RWAprojects that have had a sudden growth, there is only $CFG with the best Active Loans growth rate but no major fluctuations in price => opportunity for you to get on board. .

✅Fundraising: 38.83M

✅MC: 350M

✅FDV: 388M

3/ $GFI - @goldfinch_fi is a Private Lending project, providing loans without collateral (only serving institutional customers).

Standing out with a huge Backed lineup including: @a16z, @IDEOVC, @cbventures,....

$ONDO has BlackRock, $GFI has a16Z :D

$GFI is currently ranked 3rd in the Private Credit segment with a total loan of 107M$ after $CFG & $MPL.

Those who joined after $GFI are also on X4.

✅Fundraising: 37.7M

✅MC: 278M

✅FDV: 444M

5/ $MPL - @maplefinance Rare project operating in both Private Credit & Treasuries segments.

Maple had a great time in the previous cycle with total loans reaching 2B$, but due to the influence of Celsius, they were also affected by bad debt of 53M$.

With Backed voltage stabilizer: @hiFramework, @polychain, CSR, Spartan,...

Their highlight lies in the usecase when allowing holders to participate in staking to share revenue.

Currently $MPL ranks top 2 in the Private Credit segment with loans of 167M & 16M in the Treasuries segment

✅Fundraising: 8.9M

✅MC: 68M

✅FDV: 154M

In the Private Credit segment, Trong will still prioritize $CFG. After $CFG, $MPL will be the next option (if there is a good position) 😁

Due to the character limit, today's post will only be here, everyone. Trong will publish part 2 tomorrow.