Main Image text: BTC


※On the entire network, I was the only one who published a post on the 7th specifying the 11th to 18th March 19th 10,000-point bearer suppression and focusing on the results on the 16th. I was the only one in the entire network who warned that if a high point was established after 1 a.m. on the 14th, I would immediately pay attention to the bearer at 10,000 points to suppress it. The total has collapsed by 10,000 points. It made a low point before five o'clock in the morning, and it was the lowest point when I saw it later.

※I was the only one on the Internet who posted in March that a war would break out after April 10th, and that someone was working on solving it. It seemed like the war was just a show, which was a good thing for the crisis of human survival.

※Continuing from the previous article, we must pay attention to the behavior of the bearer. He does not suppress but only establishes lows, and prepares for the intention of setting a record high after the 18th as mentioned above. Moreover, the empty event at 20 o'clock on the 16th did not occur, and it can be seen that a low was established after 20 o'clock.


★Continuing from the previous article, although the ten thousand point empty master will be stationed before the 18th, it is also necessary to pay attention to the follow-up before the 18th. It just means that in the future, we must be prepared to pay attention to the problem of starting to reach record highs after the 18th.

On the 17th today, we will first pay attention to whether a rebound high point is established after 15 o'clock. If there is a high point, then after 4 o'clock in the morning on the 18th, the bearer of 10,000 points may still suppress the price before leaving at the last moment.

