#大盘走势 Today’s market forecast

The U.S. Bitcoin spot ETF saw a net outflow of $58 million yesterday

According to BlockBeats news, on April 17, according to data from Farside Investors, the U.S. Bitcoin Spot ETF had a net outflow of US$58 million yesterday.

The market deduction on April 17, 2024, the perspective of currency circle experts is as follows:

Today's market trend is key, and the primary observation point is 63591.93. If this level can be effectively supported, the market sentiment will remain stable. Another important pin position, 63064.53, cannot be lost. Once this position is lost, the power of the short side may be significantly enhanced.

If the market can successfully stabilize around 63950, the long order layout can be gradually expanded to gain room for subsequent gains. The target point is initially set around 66613.92, but you must remain vigilant and be ready to respond to market changes at any time.

If the market unfortunately falls below 63591.3, it means that the short-term market sentiment has weakened and the market may enter a volatile stage. At this time, it is advisable to remain cautious and wait for the market direction to become clear. Once the key point of 63064.53 falls, the short side will have a clear advantage. At this time, the strategy should be adjusted decisively to cope with the possible downward trend.

In short, today's market deduction needs to pay close attention to the above key points and flexibly adjust strategies to cope with various changes that may occur in the market.

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