Andreessen Horowitz (A16Z), a venture capital giant, has just affirmed its confidence in the technology startup market by successfully raising $7.2 billion through 5 funds, sparking hope for a positive recovery. for the technology sector after a long period of quiet.

This move is considered an important milestone, affirming Andreessen Horowitz's strong commitment to the startup market, despite current difficulties.

“This is an important milestone for us,” Ben Horowitz, who co-founded Andreessen Horowitz in 2009, shared on the company blog.

Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, Getty Images

Specifically, 3.75 billion USD of the new capital will be poured into the growth fund, targeting companies that are calling for late-stage capital, are close to IPO or need large capital to make a breakthrough.

1.25 billion USD will be poured into infrastructure, especially artificial intelligence (AI), while 1 billion USD is for applications, 600 million USD for games and 600 million USD for the “activism” fund. America", supporting companies that contribute to the national interest in key sectors such as aerospace, defense and education.

Andreessen Horowitz's successful mobilization of huge amounts of capital took place in a context where inflation and rising interest rates made investors wary of risks, leading to a decline in venture capital investment and technology IPOs.

However, Andreessen Horowitz remained optimistic and did not mention the economic downturn in his announcement. The company is also tight-lipped about its plans to invest in cryptocurrency and biotechnology, although these are areas of interest to it.

Recently, Andreessen Horowitz made headlines when he poured $350 million into Flow, the new startup of WeWork co-founder Adam Neumann. This investment shows Andreessen Horowitz's confidence in Neumann's abilities in residential real estate, despite the controversy surrounding his time leading WeWork.