$BTC It’s running out, soon it will be out of stock!

The preference of Bitcoin holders to view the asset as a long-term investment reduces the available supply of coins for trading. Over the next nine months, cryptocurrency exchanges will exhaust their reserves of BTC, analysts at CryptoQuant predict. The total available reserves of cryptocurrency exchanges in Bitcoin decreased by more than 800,000 BTC and reached the lowest level in the entire history of two-year observations. As of April 16, available exchange reserves amount to about 2 million BTC.

The results of calculations using the Stock-to-Flow (S2F) model, which demonstrates the ratio of the use of an asset to its reserves, show that after halving, Bitcoin’s S2F ratio will reach 112 points. This is almost double the S2F for gold (60 points). Thus, by January 2025, the first cryptocurrency will become a scarcer commodity than the most popular precious metal.

It is as if they are hinting to us that with #Bitcoin what happens with any scarce product will happen - it will greatly increase in price.

Or maybe this is a sign that soon all the hamsters will suffer terrible disappointment at once?

What do you think? Interested to hear your opinion