Hello everyone, I am CoinCircle_Xiaobai. If you find the content helpful, please like and follow me. Thank you very much.

I know that the cryptocurrency circle will share trading methods of various currencies. My opinion is that there is no universal trading method. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Next, I will share my most commonly used trading method and attach my previous trading records. I recently opened an account. Later, I will invest in Dogecoin with 100 u and release all the specific shares of actual buying and selling. How to use 100 u to double it.

Using the spot trading method to explain, the contract needs to be operated in the same way based on the amount of currency you plan to buy.

My main trading methods are as follows:

For a coin, you can look at the entry point. Generally, there are two to three entry points. In batches, the first position is usually built in two layers. If there are three points, it is the second point. If the second point does not stand firm, it will continue to fall and make up to 8 layers in the process of falling to the third point. If it stands firm at the second point and gradually rises, it will make up to 8 layers in the process from the second point to the first point (it is not customary to add the expected 10 layers, and everyone can change it according to their own situation). When there are only two entry points, it is generally added to 6 layers in the process from the first point to the second point, and the remaining should be made up to 8 layers in the process of rebound. In this process, when the expected point rises, it is generally guaranteed that the 5th layer will never get off the bus, and then the three layers will go back and forth. The band will definitely sell and no one will make a steady profit from the band. I am the same. There is a wave wld 8.1 sold in the middle, and it seems to be around 8.6 in the rising trend. The rhythm of high selling and low buying depends on the coin sense and the indicator line. I will share some skills later. Next, I will directly post the previous transaction screenshots, and then share the 100 u Dogecoin reversal operation (hope it will be successful).

#WLD​​​ #DOGE土狗龙头