According to CoinDesk, Solana Ecosystem DeFi Protocol Drift Protocol plans to launch DRIFT governance tokens and plans to airdrop assets to users in a few weeks. The new token will follow a three-month points program to attract traders, borrowers, lenders, and airdrop beneficiaries to participate in Drift. However, most of the 100 million tokens in this airdrop will go to long-term users of Drift.

In this airdrop, 10% of the total supply of DRIFT will be allocated to users, and venture investors will receive a larger DRIFT allocation, accounting for 22% of the total supply. 43% of the tokens will be used for ecosystem development, which may include trading rewards, liquidity incentives, and future airdrops. In addition, 25% of the tokens will be used to pay Drift contributors for protocol development.

The control of Drift will be transferred from Drift Labs to a three-pronged governance structure. At the top is a Security Council, which will exercise upgrade authority over the protocol, essentially daily control. The members of this committee will at least initially come from within Drift and need to be approved by Drift's Realms DAO, where token holders can vote. The third aspect of Drift governance is the Futarchy DAO, which will operate in a very similar way to the MetaDAO. Traders will pull the decision lever by pushing the price of the DRIFT token up or down in two conditional markets. Futarchy DAO decisions will also address ecosystem grants.

Drift Protocol also revealed its new ecosystem plans, including the development of trading bots, validator clients, and alternative front ends as possible investment areas.
