Everyone in the cryptocurrency circle, whether you are a long-term or short-term trading tycoon who plays spot contracts, or a first-level IPO tycoon who watches projects, or a friend who is trying to get on the whitelist by taking advantage of airdrops.

What mobile phones and configurations are everyone using? Which mobile phone do you think is more convenient and safer in the cryptocurrency world?

Let's take a look at what the old leeks have to share:


Two Apple phones will do.

1. Why use Apple? It is mainly because Xiaomi, Huawei and other mobile phones are said to have built-in anti-z software when they leave the factory, which can check what you are doing. Don't disbelieve it. I used Xiaomi before, and my OKX and BiAn software were often automatically deleted. So, if you can use Apple, you should use Apple. However, if you are a student and have only a few thousand or tens of thousands of yuan in the cryptocurrency circle, it doesn't matter if you use Android. Wait until you have more money before switching to Apple.

2. Use two mobile phones for operation and verification. Security is one of the most important considerations in cryptocurrency operations. My suggestion is to use two mobile phones, one for regular operations and the other for verification, which can improve security. This can disperse the risk, and even if one mobile phone has a security problem (such as you are robbed, your mobile phone is lost, etc.), it will not affect the security of the other mobile phone.

3. The configuration of the mobile phone is not important. I don’t know if you have heard this saying: The more screens you have, the faster you lose money. This means that the more screens a stock trader has to watch the market, the faster he loses money. Similarly, for cryptocurrency operations, the configuration of the mobile phone does not matter.
All you need is for the software to not lag when you use it, just like playing football. Even if Messi plays barefoot without shoes, he can definitely beat the Chinese national team. So, if you want to make money, you have to have strong skills, and the equipment doesn't matter.


Android Huawei is the least friendly to the cryptocurrency circle. I use Xiaomi, but it is said that the new MIUI has Big Brother built in... btw, now An does not need a ladder. Apple An needs to be set up separately, otherwise it is always half a beat slower, but it supports Xiaohu better. Many overseas tool and communication software are easy to use - I dare not download Android ones, there are too many fake ones, especially wallets. Be careful when downloading apks from unknown sources! It is recommended to have at least one system for each, and separate the commonly used operation machine from the verification machine.


For safety reasons, you must use an iPhone.
All fake apps in the cryptocurrency world, including wallets and exchanges, are basically scammed through Android phones. There are also some junk software that copy and paste in the background. They are all Android. Newbies accidentally copy private keys or mnemonics and their wallets are stolen soon after. This is very common. However, when using an iPhone, you must pay attention. All software must be downloaded from the app store. Do not download the beta version, especially the wallet. In short, in the cryptocurrency world, fund security is the most important thing.


I use Xiaomi phones for everything related to the cryptocurrency world.
Huawei phones are safe, but many apps cannot be downloaded, such as wallets, market information, exchanges, etc. Apple phones are more troublesome and have too many restrictions, so they are not an option for me.
Xiaomi's inspection function can be turned off, and it can be installed normally. I often buy several at a time, because I personally like to classify them. For example, the wallet that only allows inflows and outflows and the wallet that allows interactions are on different phones, and the exchange, market information, and scientific Internet access are also separated.


It is recommended to prepare an Apple and an Android phone! To be fair, because of the protection of the iOS system, your wallet is safer than that of an Android phone, and there is less risk of information leakage! However, Apple has restrictions on downloading many cryptocurrency apps, and requires an overseas ID, which is more troublesome. In addition, iOS restricts many cryptocurrency apps, but Android phones will not have these problems!

Therefore, it is recommended that you store your wallet on an Apple computer and your daily market software on an Android phone. Verification and operation can be performed on two different phones respectively!