I will teach you how to avoid rug pulls and scams,

In less than 60 seconds.

You must know this before trading meme coins,

Actually, before trading any low caps.

This will save you millions this crypto bull run.

You won’t find this info anywhere online.

That’s why my followers will win.

So pay attention and listen.


There are different ways projects rug:

1. Minting More Tokens

They claim to have let’s say

“1 Billion tokens in total supply”

But in the smart contract, they leave the mint option open.

So they can mint more tokens.

Then dump new tokens on everyone.

2. Tax Farming

Projects have an option in their contract

That whenever someone buys/sells, they can charge tax

5-10% buy/sell tax is normal

But scam projects will modify that to 99% tax.

Usually done after fake news so they can rug for more.

3. Holding too much supply

Let’s say they have

“1 Billion tokens in total supply”

The creator will hold 90% of the supply in different wallets,

They can sell this at any time.

And they would only put 10% up for liquidity.

So people would be buying normally and price goes up,

Then suddenly price dumps 80% in a candle.

That’s the creator dumping his tokens.


Now here’s the real secret.

This is how you do a check in less than 10 seconds.

Go to rugcheck.xyz

This is for the $SOL blockchain tokens.

Enter the token address

And it will analyse it for you quickly.

You don’t want to invest in projects that have high token holding.

Or projects that have no liquidity locked.

Or have freeze authority still enabled.

This will protect you from losing your money this bitcoin  bull run.

Like and follow me if you want more practical tips.

#Memecoins #etf #BitEagleNews