ena Ethereum pledged stablecoin is currently the most popular stablecoin project in this round of market, mainly because the project party uses spot to buy more.

Arbitrage to distribute dividends to pledgers in the form of futures short selling. This operation is a spiral increase in revenue in the rising market, but the decline in recent days has caused the project party to suffer serious losses in the revenue distributed.

From yesterday's pool launch of 100 million US dollars to today's increase to 300 million US dollars, the price ratio did not rise in response, but continued to weaken. There is a probability that a large investor is shipping! 

In the short term, driven by the big cake, there has also been a downward trend. At present, 1.0 can be regarded as a relatively low position. If you enter the market, it is recommended to keep a light position.

#ENA #etf #比特币减半