@Everyone 4.16 Trend Analysis and Operation Suggestions,

The current price of Bitcoin is 63,000 and Ethereum is 3,078. Yesterday’s operation was very extreme. I just stepped on the highest position of the retracement, reduced the position, and stopped the profit with leverage! Today, it returned to 63,000! The market here did not rise strongly as expected, but continued to fall! Yesterday’s expectations will be replanned! Here, small spot coins all need to wait for opportunities! More operations are not suitable, and contract players can exert force in the short position!

Both the weekly and daily lines of Bitcoin have the risk of going below the 0 axis! Then there are some spots with small floating losses, and I will continue to notify everyone to pay attention to the news in the band! In the big trend of Bitcoin, pay attention to the two positions of 59,500 and 56,600 for the key support levels! In order to prevent the monthly line from oversell, the trend in the next few days is still very important! So the analysis will be arranged in place!

Ethereum still follows the trend, first look at 2800, here is also the fifth wave of Bitcoin in 4 hours! Focus on 2780, and I will notify everyone to continue to operate spot or band! The long-term situation still depends on the halving! #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥