Now many people still have great doubts about whether cryptocurrencies are compliant in the mainland and whether there are legal risks. The director will give you direct answers with the following 5 points.

1. There is absolutely no legal risk in personal investment operations. It is your freedom to hold digital assets, and no sovereign country has the power to interfere with the personal will of investors.

Please note that this is the personal behavior of the investor, not behavior involving money laundering, pyramid schemes, fraud, etc.

2. Be as careful as possible when depositing and withdrawing money. Don't be greedy for small profits. Assets that are below or above the market price are definitely not from a legitimate source. You have to calculate whether the money you earn by taking the risk is enough to support your future life.

3. The mainland’s attitude towards cryptocurrency assets has been too resolute in the past, and it is impossible for it to slap itself in the face. At least, its attitude will not be relaxed in the short term, so don’t expect the official media to report positively on cryptocurrency.

But whether this thing is worth doing or not, whether it is illegal or not, you just need to know it in your heart, and the main thing is to make money quietly.

Don't seek official recognition. You have to know how big an impact it will have if the official does so, and how much assets will be transferred from the RMB to cryptocurrency. This is a red line that must not be crossed.

4. However, Hong Kong’s approval of ETF is a signal of a major change in attitude. If it had not been approved or had acquiesced, Hong Kong would not have been able to pass it. Today’s Hong Kong is no longer the Hong Kong of the past.

5. In the future, more and more people and money will enter the cryptocurrency market. You and I should just enjoy it secretly. We cannot have everything.

But you'd better get the chips at a low price before they come in, rather than being stupid enough to take them over.