My Young Man, Let's Interact! 🌐

In my opinion, what is missing is information and education! Explanations about the reason for the price of each asset are essential. It would be beneficial if project leaders spoke up with clear answers. Why don't you join Binance Square? A deeper interaction with your investors is crucial, after all, many doubts persist.

Now, I'm going to clarify some points about why Bitcoin is a good investment, clearly and straight to the point!

You need to understand: Bitcoin has a fixed supply of 21 million – nothing more, nothing less. Any and all other currency is another currency. That's what it is! It is not possible to change the original contract that is waived. In Outro Post, I will talk more about this, but here we go:

Everyone who invests in BTC believes in a world where finance will be the next economy. Now, let's do the math!

21 million BTC

World population today: 8.1 billion people1.

Divide the maximum supply of BTC by the population.

This means that if Bitcoin were distributed equally among everyone on Earth, each person would have approximately 0.00259 BTC.

Scarcity is one of the main factors that can influence the value of an asset. Bitcoin is designed to be scarce, which is a strong point for considering it a worthy investment. Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies involves risks and should be done with caution and adequate research.

So remember, friend: if you're selling, there's always a buyer out there, floating among the stars, ready to negotiate. And who knows, maybe they will accept intergalactic Bitcoins too! đŸš€đŸ’«

#BitcoinHalvingDrama #investimento
