$BTC Analysis of the market, dogs can do it, it's really simple, anyway, it's all predictions and guesses, according to the anchoring effect, at a certain time there will always be an analysis that agrees with your idea, and at that time you will think that person's analysis is really right, so you follow him, and then he is wrong again, so you unfollow him, this is a phenomenal psychological effect in human nature.

But analysis + trading with your own money. It's too difficult,

If you see it right, you have to do it right, big funds have to do it right, and big funds have to do it right with heavy positions, each step is a huge gap.

If you see the market right, but you don't execute it and don't make money, it's worthless. 90% of trading depends on mentality, on controlling and manipulating the mentality fluctuations of funds and the execution of rules, so analysis is worthless!

For example: walking on wood on the ground and walking on a tightrope in the air

A piece of wood is placed on the ground, you can stand on it and walk over it, easily,

But if you blindfold yourself, can you still walk over it according to the previous route?

Put this wood on a cliff, can you still walk over it?

There are very few people who can really walk over, such as those who perform tightrope walking. They have a strong natural sense of balance and extreme training, and precise control of balance, so they can walk over. However, they are blindfolded. Do they still dare to walk? Because you are on the cliff, you are controlling your own life, and your mentality is afraid. You are afraid that you will either not dare to walk or fall down. The same wood, different results, the difference lies in the mentality. Trading is such a step-by-step behavior. The same principle applies to trading! As long as you use your own money to play, you don’t care about small funds, and you may have a good win rate, but when you reach a large fund. Either you dare not open an order, or you worry about gains and losses after opening an order in the wrong direction, lose your mind, get trapped, hold orders, and blow up your position. If the direction is right, you will be greedy, increase your position, not stop profit, and profit will turn into loss. Isn’t it so repetitive? I may not feel any ripples when I open a position of $100, but every time the position reaches $1,000 or $2,000, I will become more and more panicked, not to mention opening dozens or hundreds of positions. It is really difficult to hone human nature, and it is even more difficult to do a good job in trading. There are very few people who succeed in trading.

Mr. Dan, the mouth cannon? Ha, he is worse than a dog. He doesn't even open orders himself, but uses simulated warehouses to help you make money? ?