As you know, #Kripto the money market has become a huge ecosystem serving Trillions of Dollars and Millions of people. In this ecosystem, exchanges like #Binance make all efforts to develop the ecosystem in a transparent and organic way.

The leading cryptocurrency exchange demonstrates transparency and assistance not only within the ecosystem but also around the world with Binance Charity.

Transparency is the most important thing for this ecosystem. Because the basis of Blockchain is transparency.

However, in some cases, let alone being transparent, a series of transactions made with ulterior motives target your wallet. Let's examine the points you need to pay attention to in the ecosystem with examples.

Points You Should Pay Attention to in the Cryptocurrency Ecosystem

Phenomenal Looking People

Yes gentlemen, I talked to the team, they will burn half of the acur token. Ascension is near. I logged in from 0.0000055. You can often see the example above on some social media accounts such as Twitter.

When you see this type of content, the best thing to do is block! These people usually advertise a token generated within 5 minutes on any network in exchange for money.

If the phenomenon is in Trading, it transfers the tokens it previously received free of charge to the new investor. After a while the project Rugpull does. These types of people have only one goal. The room is your pocket.

Keep your pockets away from these people. There are dozens of accounts on Twitter that offer useful content about the crypto ecosystem. They do not give you investment advice. They only provide information about products, services and applications so that the ecosystem grows and you gain.

Grocery Store Coin Goes on Pre-Sale!

Exchange selection is one of the most important points in the crypto ecosystem. Some exchanges constantly pre-sell to survive.

And these pre-sales are not for the benefit of the user. These pre-sale tokens do not benefit the crypto ecosystem. The token, which was produced within 5 minutes on any network, was covered with a project cover. In the pre-sale article, it was written that grocery token is coming out as the project of the century. These types of exchanges have only one purpose.

It's your pocket again. While reading this article, some well-known stock exchanges immediately came to your mind, right? Stay away, you won't feel like they are being bullied, they will suddenly resort to various methods to take your money from your pocket. And remember, all projects have one goal of being listed: When Binance!

But only Binance lists high-quality projects that it deems beneficial to the ecosystem.

Coin with 1000x Potential is in our Telegram Group!

Guys, I will name a coin tonight at 22:00, our target is 1000x. Everyone should prepare USDTs, we will enter at the same time. Even I felt like I was scammed the moment I read this article.

Yes, if you are new to this ecosystem, you may come across various groups called paid or pump on social media tools such as Telegram. The issue here may be that the person received advertising money. But the most common situation is destruction of property. The group administrator purchases the coin or token well in advance. When the time comes, he leaves a statement to the group such as Babykangal / USDT (example).

People in the group continue to buy without looking at the screen because of their greed to make money and watch the collapse like the sinking of the Titanic ship. But no one made a serious sale. I wonder who? As you guessed. Stay away.

We Are Giving A Special F16 As A Gift For The 10th Anniversary Of A Stock Exchange!

If you are new to the ecosystem, you will see a lot of fake ads. Not everyone in the market is well-intentioned and transparent. Your stock exchange account information and wallet passwords such as Metamask may be targeted by others. Don't click on every ad. 99% of every ad you suspect on the internet is fake.

But remember, Binance exchange constantly distributes a minimum of 1,2,3 Bitcoin in certain months of the year :)

Regarding advertisements, contact the relevant exchange's officials and verify them.

System Error, Sale Not Made!

While trading on stock exchange A, trading may suddenly stop. While you are looking at the screen in amazement, the stock exchange's system may not arrive for 3 hours or so. They then give a short apology and state that there is an error in the system. But when the system was opened, the coin descended into magma. Moreover, this malfunction does not happen once, not twice, but constantly.

Stay away from such exchanges. These types of exchanges have the sole purpose of seizing your money by using the system.

Start trading on the world's largest and most reliable stock exchange. I'm sure you won't ask which one :)

Finally, the Magic Word is DYOR!

One of the most used words by Binance in the crypto ecosystem is #DYOR . DYOR means you should do your own research.

Carefully examine the winners in the ecosystem. They usually have all the information about the ecosystem. These people are the first to discover and examine new products and services developing in the ecosystem.

That's why you should examine the ecosystem from top to bottom and do your own personal research on every transaction, product, service and innovation.

You can also make a new discovery in the depths of the ecosystem with Binance Academy.