Analysis and sharing of ETH market trend in the early morning of April 15

Ether plummeted to the lowest point of 2786 in the early morning of yesterday. I had already predicted this wave of correction in the market before. We all know the news of BTC halving. The dealer will definitely not let the bulls feel comfortable. However, after this correction, it rebounded to above 3000 and stabilized again. From the daily line, KDJ entered the oversold area and turned upward. The K line extended above the lower track of BOLL. From the four-hour level, the MACD fast and slow lines are below the 0 axis and are about to turn upward. The green energy column continues to shrink, and the three lines of KDJ are moving upward. In order to start steadily, it is recommended to do more in the follow-up callback. Real-time guidance: btc0931#ETH🔥🔥🔥 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

ETH operation suggestion: long orders around 3000-3050, target 3140-3170, risk control: 2950

This column has long focused on the market dynamics of mainstream currencies and daily point analysis. I have experienced too many ups and downs in the past seven years. I used to be a leek. Recently, some operations are not ideal. I want to learn without a teacher. Welcome to leave a message to discuss together. If you are lucky, you can get real-time guidance.