This is Kristjan Qullamaggie.

A trader who turned $9,100 into over $82,000,000 in 8 years. He was featured as the 15th highest income earner in Sweden.

1/➫ The Breakout Trading

❍ It is Kristjan's prefered strategy. He beliefs that if you study the biggest companies they tend to move in stair steps

❍ The only thing you need is to spot such phases

The same is true in crypto; there are dozens of big projects that have local dumps but are generally growing

2/➫ Position Size & Risk

❍ Kristjan beliefs that you shouldn't hold more than 20% of your portfolio in one deal.

❍ The same goes for crypto, always diversify your investments and don't put everything into one coin.

❍ Invest only the amount you're ready to lose

3/➫ Exit Rules

❍ Kristjan recommends closing your positions in parts, 30% and then 20% on the 3rd and 5th day

❍ Same applies to crypto. You should always gradually fix profits, transferring them into stables

❍ Fix the body in the target -> hold a small size moonbag

4/➫ Philosophy

❍ Kristjan's main focus is on money management, he believes that all of this is a numbers game where risk/reward plays the most important factor.

❍ The essence of his philosophy is "being in the largest trends, taking a lot of bets and keeping the losses small."

And you can use the same thinking to become profitable in crypto.

5/➫ Don't give up

❍ Kristjan lost 3-4 deposits before becoming profitable, but by using his experience and other big players, you can create your strategy that will lead you to profit more quickly.

❍ The main thing is not to give up, as we have survived the bear market, and now is a golden time for earning in crypto.

Everything depends on you

I hope you've found this thread helpful!


