The market is really making people panic! BTC fell 10 points overnight. This scared many novice friends, right?

To be honest, this kind of market may be the first time for many novices to encounter it, or they haven't seen it for a long time. After all, in the world of currency, ups and downs are normal, but it is really a bit unprepared to fall so much at once.

I remember that in 2020, the global financial crisis caused the US stock market to be circuit-breaker for a week. At that time, the currency circle also experienced a major shock, which was called the "312 tragedy". At that time, BTC fell by half in just 1-2 days, which was really frightening. But later, the market rebounded quickly, walked out of the bottom, and ushered in a bull market.

So, novice friends, don't be discouraged! This market is like this, it's very exciting. If you just hold the spot, you have to be patient and endure this kind of decline. After all, you have to wait for the clouds to clear before you can see the moon!

Remember, cryptocurrency investment is like riding a roller coaster. It is normal to have ups and downs. The key is to stay calm and not be overwhelmed by temporary fluctuations. In the long run, as long as you choose the right project and hold on, there will always be a return. Come on! →查看置顶避风港