As investors in LUNC and USTC, our patient wait continues. A year has passed since the collapse. We have gained a lot of experience as investors in the past period. LUNC will be $1 after 3 months; There were people who shared that it will be $1 in 5 months. However, we all saw that this could not happen in a short time.

#LUNC Can it be $1❓ Of course it can. There is no reason why#LUNCshouldn't be $1, but some things need to happen for it to happen. The Terra Classic community is aware of this and work continues in this direction.

So what should happen so that LUNC is $1?

First of all, the LUNC supply, which has reached high amounts, should be collected from the market and the supply should be reduced by burning it. This is an essential reality. In addition, developments in the Terra Classic network should continue and validators supporting the network should continue their services without interruption. A huge resource is needed to make these two situations happen immediately, and no one has this resource at this stage.

Over the past year, the Community has been trying to reduce the supply of LUNC and USTC with its own means. It is also trying to keep validators running on the Terra Classic network active. There is no apparent support from Terra company on these issues.

🔸Visible support is provided only by the #Binance exchange and Binance exchange continues to burn LUNC to reduce the Terra Classic supply.

The Terra Classic community has made great progress since the first day of the crash. At this point, LUNC burns have settled into a certain order. The fuel tax continues unabated and the supply of $LUNC is decreasing.

➖LUNC supply decreases with burning; The amount of LUNC staked in the Terra Classic network is also increasing day by day. Finally; The amount of LUNC staked in Terra Station exceeded 1 trillion. This figure is equal to 14.68% of the entire supply.

As the amount of LUNC staked increases, the income of validators that support the Terra Classic network increases and resources are created for their development. As the Terra Classic network revives, the number of new projects increases.

✔️ Recently, especially game-oriented projects have found a place in the Terra Classic network. These projects also support cremation through LUNC cremation events.

💬 As LUNC staking amounts continue to increase, the amount of LUNC in circulation will decrease, and we can predict that this will have a positive impact on the LUNC price in the coming period.

We think that the price of Terra Classic does not currently reflect the truth and is being deliberately suppressed. We cannot see the reflection of all these developments on the LUNC price. For this reason, we need to think long term and be patient.

Of course, being patient is not easy. At this stage, the importance of staking transactions becomes evident.

✔️You can earn passive income and support your patience by staking some of the LUNCs you have.

Earning passive income every day from your staked LUNCs will affect you positively psychologically and this way you will be able to think longer term. At the same time, you will support the Terra Classic network and have a long-term investment mentality.

⚠️When you want to withdraw#LUNCsstaked in Terra Station, there is a 21-day lockout requirement. Despite this condition, we find it very valuable to re-stake almost 15% of the total supply in a period of 1 year. Even this situation shows us how potential and high expectations the Terra Classic chain has.

A process is required for all of the developments listed above to occur. At this point we have to think realistically. Mass cremation, which we think should be done in LUNC, will accelerate this whole process. We can calculate that such a situation may occur in the coming period. But we can't make our plans based on that. Expecting such a burn to happen after 3 or 5 months may be a bit of a dream.

Our Terra Classic investment plan is not short-term like 3 months, 5 months; We have to do it long term, like 3 years, 5 years.

✔️For this reason, as we always say, “invest with money you do not need” #DYOR and look for ways to earn passive income from the coins you acquire. We have high opportunities in this regard at Terra Classic. We see that many investors are evaluating these opportunities. We think that the amount of LUNC staked will increase further in the coming period.

We attribute the reason for the rapidly increasing staking rates in recent days to the low price of LUNC.

➖We showed graphically in our previous news that those who sold while the LUNC price was falling were "small investors". Large investors are buying and staking LUNC. Even if your budget is small, let your ideas and actions be big.

Remember that each Terra Classic coin is valuable. 🙌

#Staking #Stake2Earn $USTC $LUNA