
Rolling strategy: small funds can also make big money

After so many years of working in the cryptocurrency circle, I found that many novices, even students, and ladies who want to invest and make profits, do not really understand the investment logic of the cryptocurrency circle. Today, I will tell you the correct posture of digital currency investment.

First of all, we must clarify a concept. Digital currency investment is financial investment. Our goal is to make continuous profits and double the economy within a certain period of time. If you always expect to get rich with one contract, and you are bullish and bearish every day, it is no different from betting on the size, so you might as well go for scratch cards.

In addition to waiting for opportunities, trading must also have the ability to identify the size of opportunities. You can't always have a light position or a heavy position. Usually, you can play with a small position, and when a big opportunity comes, you can pull out the Italian cannon. For example, rolling positions can only be operated when a big opportunity comes. You can't roll them all the time. It doesn't matter if you miss it, because you only need to roll successfully three or four times in your life to go from 0 to millions or even tens of millions. Tens of millions are enough for an ordinary person to advance to the ranks of the rich.

If you open a position at 10,000 Bitcoin, set the leverage to 10x, use the position-by-position mode, and only open 10% of the position, that is, only open 5,000 yuan as margin, which is actually equivalent to 1x leverage and 2 points stop loss. If you stop loss, you only lose 2%, only 1,000 yuan. How did those people who were liquidated get liquidated? Even if you were liquidated, wouldn't you only lose 5,000 yuan? How could you lose everything?

If you are right, Bitcoin rises to 11,000, you continue to open 10% of the total funds, and set a stop loss of 2% loss. If you stop loss, you still earn 8%. What about the risk? Isn't it said that the risk is very high? And so on. . . .

If Bitcoin rises to 15,000, and you add positions smoothly, you should be able to earn about 200,000 yuan in this 50% market. If you catch such a market twice, it will be about 1 million yuan. There is no such thing as compound interest. 100 times is earned by 10 times twice, 5 times three times, and 3 times four times, not by 10% or 20% compound interest every day or every month. That is nonsense.

This content not only has operational logic, but also contains the core inner skills of trading - position management. As long as you understand position management, you will never lose everything.This is just an example. The general idea is like this. You need to think more about the specific details.

The concept of rolling positions itself is not risky. Not only is it risk-free, but it is also one of the most correct ideas for futures trading. The risk is leverage. 10x leverage can be rolled, 1x can also be used, and I usually use 2x or 3x. If I catch it twice, won’t I get dozens of times the profit? At worst, you can use 0.0x or more. What does this have to do with rolling positions? This is obviously a question of your own leverage choice. I never told you to operate with high leverage. And I have always emphasized that only one-fifth of your own money is invested in the currency circle, and only one-tenth of the money is invested in spot futures. At this time, the funds for futures only account for 2% of your total funds. At the same time, futures only use two or three times leverage, and only play Bitcoin, which can be said to reduce the risk to an extremely low level.

Would you feel bad if 10,000 yuan lost 200? In general, a small investment can bring big gains. You should endure loneliness, find opportunities, and learn position management. As long as you are not unlucky, you will always have opportunities. Opportunities are for people who use their brains. If you rely purely on luck, you will pay back as much as you earn, and you will eventually return to the starting point.

Many people have many misunderstandings about trading. For example, small funds should be short-term to make the funds bigger. This is a complete misunderstanding. This kind of thinking is completely trying to use time to exchange space and try to get rich overnight. Small funds should be medium- and long-term to make them bigger. Remember, the smaller the funds, the more you should do long-term investment, rely on doubled compound interest to make them bigger, and don’t do short-term investment to make small profits.

First, honestly hoard coins, hold the spot, and hold it for 3-10 years. Hoard the right target. There is no one who is not rich. What target is the best target in the currency circle, as long as you are in the currency circle, you don’t need to choose at all.

Second, when you have a certain amount of funds. With funds, we do touch contracts less, because I am afraid that you can’t help but have the idea of ​​making 100 million with one million. The idea is good, but it is very dangerous. Remember that we only use the money we earn to make money, and we pursue stability. Stability is not absolute 100%, but relative to our overall profit over a period of time.

Third, when you first enter the cryptocurrency circle, it is best to learn how those bloggers and big Vs read the K-line, and analyze it in the live broadcast, what is the rise and engulfment, and what is the appearance of the star of enlightenment.These attract novices, individual investment in the coin circle, and the market technology accounts for a small proportion. It is not bad to understand it. It cannot make you rise or fall (of course, you are a dog dealer. In addition, no matter how good your technology is, can you be better than the financial talents hired by the dog dealer with a monthly salary of more than 100,000 yuan?) The real technology is position management, market information, market sentiment, and greed and fear value.

For example, many people asked Brother Dao, you work hard to attract fans every day, and all communities charge fees, but you don’t charge fees. What is your purpose? It’s very simple. Brother Dao and several old friends in the coin circle set up a community, mainly because there is a high probability that there will be a bull market in 2024 next year. In fact, the bull market has cycles, so investment requires patience, and we are also waiting for the next opportunity. We get good news from the news, and then comprehensively analyze whether the good news can be used (this does require experience and time accumulation, and novices can’t learn it quickly). If we are sure to do this coin in the future, how do we determine the point and manage the position? It's very simple. When the news came out, 300 out of 1,000 people asked if BTC could be used. This was a good time. When these 300 people asked if they wanted to withdraw, the other 700 asked if they could enter now. His fear value had already gone up, and his greed value had also reached its peak. This was another market sentiment signal. You can't understand this kind of thing by watching the news or reading the news. When you understand it by reading the news, it's too late. So we are mutually beneficial. When both of us are financially free, we will be 88 and go traveling.

Finally, how to withdraw money safely? I withdraw money from Binance. Because I have withdrawn money from other platforms and my bank cards have been frozen. Binance was also the first to use the t+1 model, which is to freeze the merchant's funds for one day. Money launderers dare not keep their funds in Binance. I have asked the key account manager to withdraw money from Binance, and I also selected the merchant to withdraw money from the self-selected column. I usually choose the one with a slightly cheaper price. Try not to choose the one with the highest price. BN is relatively safe. This is my experience of withdrawing money for one or two years.