To put it simply, the technical side is currently at the end of the daily triangle consolidation, bottoming out in the middle of the month and starting to reach a new high in the second half of the month. So it is better to buy the bottom in batches. If you encounter a short-term spike, do not hesitate to enter the market directly. If the position is sufficient, just be patient and wait for the end of this period. Focus on the adjustment of next Monday. The bottom will be reached at the latest on Tuesday night. Bottom-picking ondo bch fan system sol ordi spot is the main one. It is best not to play chestnuts in the fire with leveraged contracts. Yesterday, two hit the stop loss and one was blown up. There was a stop loss but it was not closed. The total loss was 2000u. I made a contract in the morning and got back 956u. The spot big cake plummeted and the alarm woke up. All positions were cleared and the loss was 3000u. Big cake was 65800. I copied the fan coins with a full position. Now the profit is about 3700u. In fact, big cake still hopes to kill 59000. The copycat has reached the bottom. For the time being, half of the fan coins are in spot. Today I saw many people quit the circle. Indeed, one thought is heaven and one thought is hell. #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #SHIB #热门话题