Liang Xi carefully analyzed the market outlook. Liang Xi said: Looking at Bitcoin today, the market has directly explored a wave downward. The open interest in the contract market has dropped significantly. At present, half of the long positions have been liquidated. Although it has not been completely liquidated, it has also reached the short-term position support point. It happens to be Saturday and Sunday, and it is estimated that the next two days will be like this. Yesterday, we talked about the short-term structure. From the perspective of the big structure, we will continue to liquidate leveraged longs. There is still about a week left for the current production cut. The time within this week is still relatively complicated. In fact, Bitcoin did not fall much in yesterday's decline. The main decline was in the altcoin market. If Bitcoin gets out of the painting door in the next week, it is possible that the market will have a bad trend. Regarding the time of Bitcoin production cut, the market's interpretation of this news is basically bearish, and there is historical data as the background. From another perspective, this incident and the decline in the past two days are actually not bad, because everyone knows that there will be a wave of decline after the production cut, so the market has priced the decline in advance, which will also lead to the market adjustment in advance. Everyone has their own interpretation, so just refer to it. This round of bull market seems to be very fast, but in fact it is quite slow. In theory, the big bull market is after the production cuts. This time, because of the positive market of ETFs, the market has preheated a big market in advance, so the real big increase is still after the production cuts. Stick to your original intention and hold the currency patiently.

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