$BTC $ETH #带单 Order column, a top order "Jasmine", the 200 million RMB order amount was liquidated last night! Cancel the account and run away directly!

Since Binance has the order function, she has always been the most popular and the one with the most orders. The yield rate has been from 200% at the beginning - 1200% in the early stage - 500% in the medium term - Dogecoin soared 10000% a few days ago - until last night's liquidation, from the lowest copy order amount of 100 u to the last 10000u!

Last night, the altcoin plummeted by 20%, and she was liquidated. A few days ago, Dogecoin soared, and her yield rate reached more than 10000%. She is the most popular, and a large number of people have entered! And there is a lock-up period. Last night at midnight, foreigners cursed in the group (foreigners don't curse, the worst curse is bitch) Chinese people woke up in the morning and continued to curse! Some with a few thousand U and some with hundreds of thousands! Someone in the group said that she withdrew the margin from her small account to her big account, which caused the small account to be liquidated early, and the big account was probably not saved. I didn't find her account, and she cancelled several accounts!

I estimate that the total liquidation amount of her single account is 20 million to 30 million US dollars, and the number of people is 2,000 to 3,000! Upload up to 4 screenshots! $SOL #大盘走势