Our life has its origin in the earth, we have come from the earth, the creatures and plants we eat and the water we drink, all have the origin of the earth.

The earth contains minerals, salt, antibiotics, antifungal and anti-viral chemicals. Soil is life and life is small.

Do you know the benefits of walking barefoot, holding and kissing the soil?

All the apostles, all the prophets, all the explorers and explorers with the status of Newton, Socrates, Avogadro, Eisten, Boyle, Archimedes and etc., our ancestors, bishops, popes, sheikhs, who wrote religious books like the Bible and the Sahafa and many others who did things because here on earth they were often walking on the ground, holding the little one and kissing the ground at different times.

Many diseases ranging from ulcers to anemia were being treated sparingly. Until now animals, insects, birds, fish and plants all apply sand/sand to themselves for various health reasons as part of treatment.

For humans:

Walking barefoot

1. it draws toxins from the body to the ground through the pores/small pores in the skin. Gravitational forces, osmosis and sweating help this happen.

2. the sand absorbs bad body odor and gets lost on the ground. a person who walks barefoot is not bothered by fungus or the bad smell of socks or bad sweat.

3. The massage between the ground and the soles of the feet causes the stimulation of all tissues (muscles, nerves, brain, digestion and other stimuli of the whole body) to strengthen and become very effective. This causes all these organs to work correctly his (use and disuse).

4. Walking barefoot on the ground (not on tiles or asphalt) balances the production and release of hormones in the body, this situation removes stress (stress free) thus making a person happy all the time and able to get real and real sleep. This type of sleep makes one's dreams more realistic and meaningful.

5. When the earth rains wounds and bruises on the skin, our ancestors treated the wounds by just sanding them. sometimes the soil is food, our pregnant mothers eat it to increase the blood minerals (iron) and your tribes without mixing the prayer with smallness and becoming a part of normal food.

6. Earth germs entering the body at a small level cause a strong immunity of the body against various vaccines.

7. Walking barefoot on hot ground, especially during the sun, helps blood circulation (perfusion) in all parts of the body, thus increasing the possibility of avoiding kidney diseases, pressure, and diabetes.

8. Walking naked on the ground makes you taste the reality of your existence on earth.

9. Walking on the ground creates a habit of being careful and careful, otherwise you can stumble, burn, be burned by thorns and nails, be bitten by insects such as snakes and scorpions. So being careful becomes a part of your life.

10. When you die, you won't be a stranger in the grave, hahahaha!

The dangers of walking are like tripping, safflower worms, being hit by snakes, maggots, and dust on the feet.

Take off your shoes and walk in your garden from now on, you will see how God will use you for many things. You will see that your happiness will increase without knowing the reason, you will see how your panic will spread.