【2024.4.13 BTC/ETH intraday market analysis】

There is still one week before Bitcoin halving. Before Bitcoin halving, let the brothers' accounts halve first. Everyone experienced it again today. I woke up at noon and checked my account. It was okay. I was heavily invested in Bitcoin. The altcoins fell sharply. I woke up and bought some Bitcoin, Ethereum and BNB spot. I will buy mainstream stocks when the market falls sharply. Brothers, don't be afraid and keep up with the pace!

To summarize the reasons for the sharp drop last night: 1. The Federal Reserve has reduced the number of interest rate cuts, resulting in a significant discount in the expectation of interest rate cuts. 2. The three major U.S. stock indexes fell collectively and collapsed the cryptocurrency circle. The biggest negative factor should be the first one, but I hope everyone will not panic. Buy the currencies you are optimistic about. Don't be soft-hearted. Bitcoin will definitely rise back. When the dog dealer cuts us, we don't blink an eye. We buy now to prepare for the dealer. Get it! #大盘走势

Today's point analysis:

#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Currently, the weekly level is sideways, and the daily level fluctuates widely. Today, the daily level begins to pull back. For small-level rebounds, first look at the two positions above 68300-69250. If the rebound does not break, there will be a short position opportunity. If it stands above 69250, give up the short position and look at the two positions above 70380-71350

If the rebound does not go up today, pay attention to the support level below 66970-66460-65850-65100

#ETH🔥🔥🔥 The weekly level was sideways, and the daily level fluctuated widely. Today, the daily level began to pull back. For a small-level rebound, look at the two positions above 3327-3412. If the rebound does not break, there will be a short position opportunity. If it stands above 3412, give up the short position and look at the two positions above 3525-3585. If the rebound does not go up today, pay attention to the support levels below 3223-3158-3108-3058. After the sharp drop in the early morning, it is estimated that the rise of Ethereum will not be so fast. It needs to go sideways at the bottom to build a bottom. Brothers who have not formed a bottom and are long sideways should always pay attention to the market!