• According to an April 12 VeChain blog post, the gloves worn by UFC fighters will soon be tokenized and their identities will be tracked on the VeChainThor network.

The gloves will be equipped with VeChain's Near Field Communication (NFC) chips, which will record match data and authenticate each pair. After the match, players will "give and receive" the gloves, turning them into collector's items. A chip embedded in each pair allows buyers to authenticate the item via a smart contract on the VeChainThor network. Fighters will begin wearing these gloves at UFC 300 on April 13.

UFC gloves with a #VeChain #token . Source: VeChain.

In a statement, VeChain says the system will help prevent secondary market fraud, which is often encountered by buyers who want to own the gloves worn in a particular fight. The new product utilizes aspects of VeChain's ToolChain system, a supply chain management system used by some companies to track and ensure goods reach their recipients.

VeChain announced that an initial set of 12 exclusive gloves will be given to A-list celebrities, including Joe Rogan; UFC head Dana White will also appear live to announce the partnership.

On the VeChain forum on Reddit, VeChainThor token holders (VTHO) had mixed reactions to the news. Some were excited about the new options for utilizing the network. " We will be #mining rwa globes [real world assets] as [unique tokens] at all UFC events! " - pez86 said. Another user, VETterDaysAhead, also praised the announcement, saying: "Tracking gloves and items sounds great, I hope they also do QR code scanning on TV at VTHO covered events. " \uD83D\uDD25\uD83D\uDD25\uD83D\uDD25".

However, not everyone was impressed. Some users felt that the new Globe doesn't consume enough VTHO due to transaction fees and has no noticeable impact on prices. " Hey, 10 VTHO consumed in a year, UFC will overtake Wal-Mart China in usage," tkim91321 sarcastically replied to another user who complained about the bulky ad.

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