The copycat is cut in half, please add positions when you shout "Alpaca" in the group for long-term investment!

The essence of currency speculation is the management of positions, points and time. Positions should restrain greed, points should cultivate technology, time should be self-disciplined, and short, medium and long-term investment should be allocated well. These three factors will react on your joy, anger, sorrow and happiness!

For today's callback, I see more helplessness and fear of traders! Many people have begun to waver in their belief in bulls and have no confidence in the bull market. Instead, they are replaced by blockchain scams, whether to cut meat, and how to quickly recover their capital?

In fact, we are all ordinary people. When everyone sees that the currency bought with their hard-earned money has fallen by more than 30% in a single day, they must feel very uncomfortable. I am the same, because human nature is connected, greed, anger, ignorance, desire and madness are inevitable! But as a full-time trader with 4 years of experience, I know that I can't let my personal emotions affect my trading plan at this time.

In terms of positions, the three-three system is the confidence that I dare to hold. What is the three-three system? That is, divide all your positions into three parts, 33% long-term, 33% short-term, and 34% short-term. Regardless of long-term or short-term, each coin accounts for 5% to 10% of the total position. This is a position layout that will not be affected by local fluctuations and the overall strategy. I have mentioned it many times before, and I will remind you again today. If you want to live long in the cryptocurrency circle, this is the most reliable position ratio I have summarized.

Technically, short-term positions were prompted to sell in the market interpretation on the 11th, and long-term positions did not prompt risks mainly because the big cake is still in a bullish trend, and this trend will not change in the short term. I am still bullish in the future market. The current trend is still in the original 4-hour oscillation box, up to 73,000 and down to 62,000 are all within the range of fluctuations.

In terms of chip logic, BTC has only adjusted back by 10% from the high point. This is a typical use of time for space. To be optimistic, it is not willing to give up low-priced chips, and wants to grind more traders off the bus through a long-term repeated oscillation mode; in terms of altcoins, the scarcity of chips is not so high, and many coins have adopted space callbacks. As of now, many coins have been cut in half, using the decline to achieve the purpose of rapid washing.

Emotionally, a good buying point is when you are most afraid, and a good selling point is when you are most excited. When people lose patience and hope for holding positions, it is the value depression. 🐍qun scab 崴: Tsuki1567 What are your current thoughts?The best opportunity to buy at the bottom of the market is in the Grass Mud Horse stage!

Overall, the opportunities here are greater than the risks:

1. Short-term\long orders are not easy to do for the time being, and we have to wait for the big positive line to clarify the attitude of the long army;

2. As for the long-term, don’t be afraid of spot. If BTC is less than 100,000, we don’t consider the risk. At this stage, according to your actual situation, buy more when the price drops sharply, buy less when the price drops slightly, and stay flat with all positions, don’t cut losses!

Execute the trading plan, control the position well, and don’t be afraid of ups and downs, and don’t be surprised by praise or criticism!