#TON #Catizen #hottopic #layer1

TON has seen a good growth recently and has broken through a new high of $7.6.

I started to pay attention to TON on March 11th on the recommendation of my group friends. At that time, the price was 2.9 USD. It started to rise continuously the next day. I didn’t wait for the opportunity of callback until I bought it at 5.2 USD on March 24th.

After I bought it, it went sideways and I didn’t hold on to it. I sold it all at 5.3 on April 7, and then it continued to rise to 7 US dollars.

I bought it again today at 7.4. The current price is 7 US dollars. I have lost 5 points so far. This time I have transferred it to the wallet for pledge. I will not operate it anymore. The more I do it, the more I lose.

TON daily fluctuations

What is TON?

TON stands for The Open Network, which is a Layer 1 public chain and TON is its native token.

The TON network was originally founded by the Telegram team and later taken over by the developer community with the goal of building a complete blockchain ecosystem.

The TON public chain includes the TON blockchain, decentralized storage, I2P network, instant payment, and a Web3.0 network for highly usable decentralized applications.

In September 2023, Telegram reached a partnership with the TON Foundation to integrate TON's self-hosted crypto wallet "TON Space" for Telegram users.

Web2 traffic, Web3 users, social media platforms, a total of 800 million Telegram users, and a high-performance public chain are TON's core competitiveness and have attracted much attention.

TON cat game Catizen

TON Ecosystem Project

There are currently 643 apps in the ton ecosystem, including infrastructure, wallets, DEX, NFT, SocialFI, Brideg, Launchpad, etc., as well as various gamefi and other projects.

Take the recent popular free-to-play game Catizen as an example. It relies on the Telegram user base and 30% of the tokens will be airdropped to early players.

Three weeks after Catizen went online, the number of gamers exceeded 1.7 million, with 350,000 daily active users and more than 2.1 million transactions on the chain.

There are also telegram games such as TonPotato, Gatto, Mumba Games, etc., which have low investment and can directly enter the game through telegram, which is convenient and fast, and can also earn gold.

In addition, there are many staking projects on the TON chain, such as tonstakers, which is the restake re-staking platform of the TON network.

The current APY yield is 4.64%, the number of staking addresses is more than 47,000, the total TON staking exceeds 28 million, and the total staking value exceeds US$190 million.

TON staking project tonstakers

How to participate in the TON ecosystem

Chuxiaolian learned about various projects in the TON ecosystem and planned to experience TON network interaction starting with staking and gamefi.

TON games are mainly small games with zero-cost, easy to enter, and players can enter the game through Telegram, so the threshold is low.

The staking project is also one of the ways to participate in TON. By holding TON and waiting for the ecological development, you can not only obtain APY income, but also have the opportunity to obtain future airdrops.

In addition, people in the group often send various tokens of the TON network, and it is not known which one will be successful.

Various tokens of TON network

TON’s risks and opportunities

TON is an L1 public chain. Compared with the ETH public chain, it has been expanding L2 to solve the problems of network congestion and transaction speed.

TON is launched as an L1 public chain, providing users with a faster, cheaper and more efficient blockchain platform, and is trying to solve the problems faced by ETH.

The Ethereum network continues to develop, and the price of ETH has risen all the way to $3,500. The high transaction fees and chain congestion that come with it are also problems that users complain about.

If the TON public chain can solve these problems, it will undoubtedly be a huge opportunity.

If it succeeds, TON may become the current SOL or ETH. If it fails, it will be like LUNA, EOS, etc. and be forgotten in the long history of the crypto market.

Various wallet tools on TON

In the history of blockchain development, most of the projects that wanted to challenge the status of ETH public chain ended in failure;

Whether TON can attract more developers and users to jointly build the TON network is still a long and difficult process, so let's give it more time.

The above is just my personal opinion, not investment advice. I am Chu Xiaolian, and I am paying attention to the crypto market and web3.