🚀Binance announced yesterday that it has invested in BounceBIT

<Project No.: 093>

BounceBIT is a re-staking project on the Bitcoin network. Re-staking is undoubtedly a hot track in this bull market.

While the public's attention is still focused on Ethereum re-staking, Binance has taken the step of investing in Bitcoin re-staking projects, which once again makes me marvel at Binance's awareness.

Obviously, the future space for re-staking projects in the BTC ecosystem will be much larger than that of the ETH ecosystem. This is a fact determined by the market value. After all, the market value of Bitcoin is much larger than that of Ethereum.

And we can only follow this trend and make arrangements as soon as possible. Following the big guys will have meat to eat, and listening to Binance will not be wrong.

After studying the BounceBIT project, Ahua found that the re-staking routines are the same. Just pay money, so no matter how tight your pockets are, squeeze it.

Go to BounceBIT to deposit some money, the minimum pledge is only 10U, you will thank yourself for your hard work in the future!

Transfer: https://bouncebit.io/?code=D8R6H

More invitation codes: Y3RX5

