Detailed deposit and withdrawal process tutorial for new players (Popular Science Part 1)

First, you need to know what "deposit and withdrawal" means

Deposit: Buy USDT with CNYWithdraw: Sell USDT for CNY

*USDT (Tether) is a cryptocurrency. It is a stable currency with relatively small fluctuations. The exchange rate is almost 1:1 with the US dollar, which can be understood as the network dollar. Because of the ZC problem, most cryptocurrencies cannot be purchased directly with CNY since 2017, so USDT is used instead.

When making deposits and withdrawals, you need to pay attention to the following issues:

1. Choose a reliable exchange

Here we only recommend Euro and BiAN! These two exchanges have been verified by reputation and are more strictly regulated than other second-tier and third-tier platforms!

2. Merchant selection mainly examines the following points [very, very critical, be sure to read carefully! ! ! ]

Registration time (do not consider those within 1 year, it is best to start with 2 years) Number of transactions Success rate Certification (video certification, mobile phone certification) Freeze margin Merchant logo

Be sure to click on the avatar to check whether the merchant's registration time, number of transactions, success rate, and certification are complete! Generally speaking, merchants who have been merchants for a long time and have frozen deposits have a much lower probability of becoming black merchants! (See the tutorial below for details)

3. Do not deposit and withdraw money too frequently

4. When choosing a trading merchant, do not choose the merchant with the most favorable unit price just to pursue the lowest price. Some bad merchants may set a very favorable U price in order to quickly launder money.

5. For large funds, it is recommended to use a bank card other than a salary card for deposit and withdrawal operations to ensure security.

In short: the most important thing for deposit and withdrawal is to find the right merchant, and secondly, do not deposit and withdraw money frequently!