The monthly line crosses the quarterly line, buy and wait for profit.

The monthly line goes down, and this wave has been completed.

The quarterly line goes up, long-term long position, the monthly line does not cross down, the light is ahead.

Two Yins and one Yang, the bulls may go bearish.

When the top sees a long cross, leave the market quickly for peace.

The selling volume is greater than the buying volume, the currency price does not fall or rises slightly, and there may be dealers entering the market.

Enter the market when the decline is bearish and the rise is bullish, and always want to make more profits.

If you fall accidentally, you have to cut and cut when you lose money.

Only when you make money can you increase the bet and do not flatten the losses. The correct actions are repeated continuously.

#BEL #大盘走势 #Meme #WIF #sui $BEL $MEME $WIF