Introducing the Sky Mavis Trusted Domain System Three shields against bad actors on Ronin 🛡️ • The Mavis Badge • The Mavis Friends Badge • The Unknown Badge Note: if everything goes according to plan, we may update the design of these badges over the next 1-2 months, and may also release a “Known Threat” badge. Here’s how the Trusted Domain System can help keep you safe 🧵👇 There are many bad actors in Web3 who look to exploit users’ security weaknesses. The Sky Mavis Trusted Domain System is one layer of protection against a few common attack vectors. It’s in every user’s best interest to adopt strong security practices because even the simplest mistakes can have huge consequences. Before we jump in, remember that bad actors are always developing new attack vectors, so it’s impossible to list every potential threat. Spoofing. Social engineering. Phishing. These are just a few of the more common attack vectors, but techniques are always evolving. That’s why you should never sign a message you don’t understand. Use the Sky Mavis Trusted Domain System as a tool to support your good cybersecurity habits. Here’s what Sky Mavis badges can tell you: The Mavis Badge You’ll see the Mavis badge when interacting with dApps or games built by either @SkyMavisHQ or or @ronin_network. The badge will show up in your wallet when you are about to sign a transaction. In general, it’s safe to sign a transaction that has the Mavis badge. The Mavis Friends Badge You’ll see the Mavis Friends badge when interacting with dApps or games built by @SkyMavisHQ, @axieinfinity, or @ronin_network partners. The Mavis Friends badge indicates trust, and we may award it to builders who pass a security screening or have been verified by another trusted partner. However, we cannot always guarantee complete user safety on protocols with a Mavis Friends badge. Remember to follow our safety tips when interacting with smart contracts on Ronin: 🛡️ : The Unknown Badge You’ll see an Unknown badge when interacting with any unverified smart contracts in your Ronin Wallet. This badge indicates the highest level of risk to a user. If you choose to interact with a smart contract bearing the Unknown badge, remember to exercise a high degree of caution. White it’s possible that a safe protocol receives an Unknown badge, it’s a good practice to triple-check what you’re getting yourself into. Again, follow our safety tips and consider staying away from these contracts until they can be verified. What can you do if you’ve interacted with a questionable smart contract? First, remember that everyone makes mistakes. Then, if you suspect something is wrong, revoke permissions from your Ronin Wallet by following the guide below. 🔗 : Stay tuned for more blockchain security tips, and share these threads with your friends to stay safe ⚔️