Many people lose money in the cryptocurrency investment because they don't have a correct logic. If the logic is right, it's easy to make money.

1. All coins will return to zero, but some coins have a long lifespan and some coins have a short lifespan.

Bitcoin: We assume that its lifespan is 40 years. In most cases, it will rise during this process, but I personally think that Bitcoin will return to zero sooner or later.

Ethereum: 30 years. In the future, the technology will become stronger and stronger. Ethereum will also have its limits.

Well-known coins: 20 years, the lifespan is not low, and most coins will disappear in a few years

Well-known copycats: 10 years. In fact, most copycats can only be popular for one round, and the rest will gradually return to zero.

Ordinary copycats: 5 years, 5 years off the shelves, I am still very conservative

Air coins: 1 year, it's good to be able to play for a year

Fundraising meme: 1 month, it will return to zero in one month, which is an ordinary meme

Group friend's entrepreneurial project: 2 hours, there will be fluctuations only in the first two hours of opening, and then GG

Once you have the logic, you will know how long the investment window period of each project is. If the time is almost right, escape in advance.


2. All project parties will cut leeks

Who in the cryptocurrency circle doesn't want to make money? The cryptocurrency circle is a dark jungle. Even if the initial intention is good, once people see money, they will change.

BTC is cut after entering the market

Other well-known coins may be cut after the market is pulled up or hyped up

Group friends' entrepreneurial projects are cut at the opening and then directly return to zero.


3. Making money depends not only on strength, but also on luck. Many people work very hard, fearing that they will miss any opportunity to make a fortune, but in the end they have stepped on all the pits. They lose more than they earn.

If you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow Lao Huang on the homepage, and he will share spot passwords, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins for free every day!

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