It's another day of sleeping until I wake up naturally. I opened my phone and saw that it was already 12 noon. The general manager of a bank sent me a WeChat message: Mr. Zhong, hello, our bank has launched a new financial product for VIP customers. You are a private banking customer of our bank and enjoy the highest credit limit and highest annualized rate. If it is convenient for you, please reply after seeing it, and I will come to discuss with you in detail. I wish you a happy life!

After a simple reply, I was ready to go to the restaurant downstairs to have a meal. When I walked to the gate of the community, the guard greeted me warmly. I smiled faintly and walked away. I clearly remember that two years ago, when I was delivering food, he stopped me at the door and refused to let me in. We almost had a fight at that time, but now I think he is particularly pleasing to the eye.

Just after I ordered the food at the restaurant, I heard a soft voice in my ear, "Handsome, can I share a table with you?" I turned around and saw a tall girl with a very good body proportion. I was stunned for a moment, "It's not convenient, please find another seat, sorry," I said while making an apologetic gesture. I naturally understood her little thoughts in my heart, secretly thinking in my heart, "The color of this Ferrari key is still too bright."

I just felt a little dazed. I have been doing nothing for almost half a year. I feel that having too much money has made me feel useless. It’s not that I have a lot of spare money, but I am really bored. Although there is no pressure, I don’t seem to have the energy as before. I was lost in thought. When I came to my senses, I found that the red wine on the table had sobered up. I had to buy a single and go home.

On the way back, I kept thinking about what I should do. Have I paid off the debts I owed before? I thought about it carefully. All the foreign debts and online loans were paid off. At that time, the creditor asked me, "Are you in a tight spot if you pay me back all at once? I'm not in a hurry. If you are, just take part of it first." I could only evade the question. Not long after, the doorbell rang, and I came to my senses. It should be the bank manager. I welcomed him in. While boiling water, I said, "Manager Liu, you said you would come, so come. Bring something with you. Will the president reimburse you for the wine?"

"Brother Zhong, the president asked me to bring this wine. Zodiac wine has a high collection value." Before I could reply, he said, "Brother, the decoration of your house is really nice. It is simple and elegant, yet luxurious. It suits your temperament very well."

"Haha, I think so too. How about I introduce this home improvement company to you?"

He shook his head and said, "How can I afford such a nice house? It would cost at least one or two million. I can make do with it for now."

"It's not that expensive, it's only a few hundred thousand, and quality is the most important thing. I'll introduce their boss to you. We're all acquaintances. I'll give you a discount when you install it!" I said while pouring tea. Before he could speak, I asked again, "What's the financial management quota you mentioned this morning?" The reason I asked him was to help him improve his performance, because he has helped a lot in withdrawing funds in the past few months. We talked for a few cups of tea and I decided to buy 8 million. After all, I can't spend all this money at once. "Brother, thank you for your support. You can rest assured that I will do everything for you tomorrow." He said while shaking hands with me.

"You must be hungry. Let's work together to cook two dishes for you." I didn't eat much at noon and I was indeed a little hungry.

"Okay, brother. I've heard that you're a good cook. It's a good opportunity for you to show me your skills so I can learn from you."

The two of us worked for an hour and finally prepared a table of dishes. "We don't have any wine at home, so let's just use the bottle you brought, and let's have a good drink together," I said with a smile.

"Then I will take advantage of you and obey your command."

Men, after drinking, will talk about anything. We talked about everything from the south to the north, and it seemed that there was nothing we didn't know. Suddenly he said, "Brother, I admire you very much. To make so much money in that circle, courage, bravery and ability are really indispensable. I have friends who also trade in cryptocurrencies, but they are just small-scale ones. If they are not careful, they may even owe a lot of money." He gave me a thumbs up while speaking. "In fact, luck also plays a part, otherwise how could I turn over a new leaf and sing? I might even be delivering takeout now," I said jokingly. He also laughed and agreed with me, "But not everyone is as courageous as you."

Suddenly I asked him seriously, "Xiao Liu, if you become financially free, what would you like to do?"

"As for me, I'll buy a luxurious large flat like you. I don't need as much money as you do for a car. I'll just buy an A6. This is my favorite car, low-key and stable." He said without hesitation.

"What about career or doing something else meaningful?"

"First settle your wife and children at home, buy everything you need, and then go traveling. My childhood dream was to travel around the world. Let's not talk about the world, let's travel around the beautiful mountains and rivers of our country first. After that, I will start a business and open a company. I will also be a boss. I need to think about this carefully. Brother, if I have your ability, I might open an investment bank. You should have a lot of resources in this area. First, raise a billion or so and then set up a charity fund. Use part of the annual profit to operate the foundation. At least I can make some contributions to society..." He said with a smile. I was lost in thought listening to his words. These were my childhood dreams.

I blacked out while we were chatting, and I don't even remember how I got into bed. When I got up, I saw that the room had been cleaned, and I guessed that the other person had gone to work.

It's not finished yet. I'll update it when I have time... Let me dream longer#比特币减半 #sui #WIF $BTC $ETH