Today's funds 9065 U, 2024.4.12

Stubborn and ignorant, the authorities are confused, uni was eventually sold with meat and bones, losing 17,000 U.

Uni fell from 17U to 8, even the double contract would be liquidated, but I actually survived all the black swans of uni, and the price of the currency has almost fallen to the bottom. Choosing this time to sell is also an explanation for losing money. In excellent transactions, selling at a loss is also an operation, but it is a little late. Uni spot has also been sold. Maybe uni will explode in the future, but it has nothing to do with me. Uni is ridiculous. The so-called decentralization is controlled by centralization. Decentralization is a joke, and the uni project is really disgusting. It took the lead in dumping and selling coins. After uni rose in 2021, the currency nature of this coin is the currency nature of stupid B coins. Coins with good currency nature should be like FTM and SOL. They fall when BTC falls and lead when BTC rises. FTM and SOL have never disappointed everyone, but for projects like uni, I hope to throw the founders and project parties into the pot and boil them.

I lost nearly 100,000 yuan, a car, and I was really heartbroken. But think about it, it’s all money earned from 200U. Money comes and goes. I can only blame myself for being blind and believing it as soon as I heard it. For example, in January 2024, ORDI died and the BRC20 inscription on the Binance wallet was good. I waited and waited and held on, and the loss was almost zero. Uni died and the dividend was good. I held on and held on. It was almost at the bottom of the valley, and then there was another black swan. I didn’t wait for uni’s dividends, but I waited for a body.

I didn't run when I lost 2000U, nor did I run when I lost 4000U. I should have run when the black swan happened, but I made another fatal mistake and added positions. Not running made my position heavier, resulting in a loss of 17,000U. This is all money. I am really a spendthrift. I paid back the borrowed U yesterday, and I still have 13,000U. Now I only have 9,000U. Two-thirds of the funds have been hunted down. It's terrible. The funds were originally more than 20,000U, and they were about to set a new high, but they returned to the pre-liberation period overnight.

The bull market was originally blooming everywhere, but I encountered a black swan. I am really unlucky.