Scam 1: Recommending small exchanges and small platforms.

You can often see scammers who use this gimmick to lead you to register on small exchanges. They usually give you a little sweetness first, help you make money, and then lead you to high-multiple contracts to blow up your positions. Or they can charge coins, but you can't withdraw cash. It's a pure pig-killing scheme.

My personal suggestion: You still have to choose a large exchange to play with coins. At present, OKX, Binance, Huobi and Zhima are all OK. Other exchanges are not recommended unless you have a lot of money.

Scam 2: Mobile phone mining, stable static income.

This kind of promotion is usually promoted by the ground, and it is also a common advertisement in the group. Generally, they promise that you will get a certain amount back every day if you invest a certain amount, and then ask you to recruit people, and you will earn a certain amount if you recruit a certain amount of people. (Some just make a dapp, and your assets will not be frozen or transferred at any time on the chain.) The previous Kia mining machine and BZZ mining machine have harvested a lot of money. Mining is now severely suppressed, and the overall market of the currency circle is not prosperous enough, so think twice before buying a mining machine!

Personal advice: Now is not a good time to buy mining machines. It is recommended to watch more and do less!

Scam three: Airdropping coins into wallets to obtain authorization.

This is usually caused by scammers who first buy a lot of resources and then send a group message with one click, airdropping a lot of worthless coins to you and asking you to authorize. Once authorized, your wallet will no longer be safe, and your account password will be known to others, who can transfer your tokens at any time. This is a common routine.

Another thing that the wallet needs to pay attention to is that if you have done cross-chain or authorization, remember to cancel the authorization after the transaction to avoid problems later. (I authorized some coins before, and after a few months, the coins in the wallet were swept away, which was also a waste of money.)

Personal advice: Don’t authorize at will, don’t believe in pie in the sky, try to have one wallet, play one project, and keep larger amounts of U in exchanges or cold wallets. You still need to be aware of prevention.

Scam 4: Private placement scam in the primary market.

Private placement scams, many small communities, or those with only a few groups, sell the quotas of various top-level projects at low prices online, such as the recently popular aptos sui and a series of high-quality primary market projects. They don’t have the quotas themselves, send empty vehicles, or the channels are unreliable, etc. A series of reasons lead to not being able to get the coins, or having to wait a long time to get them.

My personal suggestion: The primary market private placement is definitely a good market, with many coins that can return ten times or a hundred times the value. However, you have to be careful when choosing a track, currency, or investment community or institution. First of all, you have to consider the strength of the community itself. The currency circle is all about strength. Don't be blinded by the benefits.

Please indicate the source when forwarding: Big Rock Sugar Orange

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