How to arrange the runes and inscriptions that have increased tenfold or a hundredfold in a day?

The market is still in a volatile stage. Before the release of CPI data, everyone had expectations, that is, hawkish, so there will be a pullback before the news is released, and there will be a rebound after the news is over.

After multiple pullbacks, the price of the big cake still remains at a high point. Every time the cottage adjusts and pauses, the overall position is adjusted downward, but recently, the pullback of the cottage has also reached a relatively consensus position.

This position is the relatively worst position for the expected mid-term pullback in the bull market. Even if the big cake continues to fluctuate, the cottage will continue to lower the low point, but the rebound will become very fierce.

This is the expectation for the future cottage.

However, regardless of whether the expectation is a pullback, this is a staged high point in the bull market, but it is a low point to look back at in the middle and late stages of the bull market. Jiaoliuqun+Wei: 2758624303 Multiple pullbacks can definitely be regarded as strategic pullbacks, a routine, not a true portrayal of this market.

This week, the most beautiful boys are runes and inscriptions.

This morning's data, rune series:

rgb++ seal costs 10, and the current price is 3100U, 310 times more in a week!

runepunk costs 70U (get the white list in advance) and the current price is 800U, 11 times!

rgb++ on ckb costs 10U, 300U off-site! 30 times

feelinggood white list costs 10U, 2000U off-site 200 times.

AMBI, rare airdrop free, requires tasks, whitelisted yesterday, KOL airdrop today, no cost, current price 1000U.

Inscription series:

Ombi, daily increase of 40 times!

AMB, PIZA, W and other inscriptions, the increase is very high.

Old inscription series, two-tier differentiation, some are similar to MUBI, nearly doubling in a week, and some are similar to ROUP, basically no increase.

The inscriptions that were deployed a week ago have basically increased by more than 50%. The runes include AMB and feelinggood, and the current value of both is more than 2,000 U.

For inscriptions and runes, catching up with the circle at this time is inseparable from the contribution of production reduction and stones. There is a necessity, which has been mentioned in previous articles.

The routine of inscriptions and runes is actually very simple.

The inscriptions are deployed by the project party first, mint, and a few people in the early community participate, but they will adjust and pause for a period of time, so that retail investors holding positions will feel zeroed, and then a large number of retail investors will sell, starting the daily level of more than double the pull.

In this case, it is difficult to have opportunities similar to last year's sats.

Sats went sideways for several months before pulling up, which gave many retail investors opportunities. Therefore, the market is large enough and some people make money. Most of the current inscriptions are from foreign communities. They speculate on new ones instead of old ones. When people find some inscriptions, most of them have increased several times or more.

The current inscriptions are not suitable for social layout and ambush. You can only find them by yourself and buy them in small quantities. Once a large amount of money is ambushed before the pull-up, the inscription will be abandoned in the short term and will no longer be pulled up.

Therefore, the current inscription pull-up requires 90% (the kind with a daily increase of ten or a hundred times), or even more chips in the hands of the project party.

The inscription mentioned above that increased 40 times a day had a cost of 100 before, and 15 were played. Later, it fell to 30-40 and went sideways for several days.

The current holding cost of 15 is 3,000.

If, I mean if, I didn't play 15, but 1,500, then it is highly likely that ombi will not rise.

Because even if it rises dozens of times, its market value is only more than 4 million. If tens of thousands of U are bought at the bottom, the market value of the entire OMBI is now occupied by one person, and basically this project has been temporarily abandoned.

I have suffered this kind of loss many times before.

So, many people asked me why I only release certain inscriptions in the secondary market, not the primary market? The rate of return is higher.

This is the fundamental reason.

I only provide directions, and the directions have been clearly stated in the two articles last week. The risk is relatively high. As for which one to go, it is recommended that everyone disperse and find it by themselves, because once you buy a primary market inscription together, it is basically internal volume.

Jiaoliuqun+Wei: 2758624303 In the primary market, inscriptions with daily increases of more than several times are all for the purpose of making everyone pat their thighs. They are mirages that can only be seen but not eaten. Of course, there are very few people who can mint similar high-multiple inscriptions like me, but they are generally small warehouses and dispersed.

In summary, the primary market needs to diversify its holdings, and use small positions to win big. Don't hold the mentality of large positions to win high times, otherwise it will be a long curve decline.

As for Runes, there are slightly different ways of controlling the market.

First, let retail investors or KOLs promote, complete tasks, and get whitelists, and then release the news to retail investors and some large investors. A small number of people get whitelists, and most people need to be taken over by the second level, which will be risky.

After all, not every BRC is called Audi, and not every rune is called pumice.