What do you guys say

I said there would be a pullback

It’s a bit of a pity for the live broadcast. The rebound was too fast and the loss was left. It was almost short above, but it was a pity that it was not received

The auntie was exactly in line with expectations. 3560 shorts, leaving a position for replenishment, the target is 3500 support, and you can continue to look down if it breaks, and then adjust the stop loss to the cost position

What do you say about taking more than 60 points

Brothers, get 666 up

Did you make up for it

Today, the first round of short orders above were ambushed in the 71200-71500 range in advance at noon, and the target was 70300-70000

Also took about 1200 points

Live broadcast lost 500 points

The auntie met expectations again.

Opportunities are often reserved for those who are prepared