Knowing these will save you a few years of detours

1. The cryptocurrency world is like a battlefield, where the wind and water turn, and no coin can prosper forever. Remember, don't be obsessed with copycat coins, because you will always be the one who gets hurt in the end. Wise investors should know how to diversify risks and not be obsessed with one coin.

2. Mysterious indicators, cycles and numbers are just props for the market to tell stories. They have little to do with whether you can make a profit, but may cause you to fall into deeper losses. Real wisdom lies in insight into the nature of the market, rather than superstition of illusory digital games.

3. A deep understanding of the relationship between price and volume is the key to the road to profit. This is not only the secret to avoid detours, but also a necessary condition for long-term stable profits. With this ticket, you will be able to navigate the cryptocurrency world with ease.

4. Knowing how to stop losses in time is a wise move to preserve your strength.

Don't be blinded by the fantasy that "tomorrow will reverse", and countless huge cases of liquidation in history are tragedies caused by refusing to admit defeat. In the cryptocurrency world, rationality and decisiveness are equally important.

5.Choosing coins, timing and opportunities is important, but learning to find the wind is even more critical. The wind is a perpetual motion machine for making quick money, but how to layout, what varieties to layout, and how to maximize profits all require deep market insight and strategic thinking. In the currency circle, followers are vulnerable, and leaders are long-lasting.

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