The whale doesn't care about the bottom. If it does, it will make you vomit blood.

He does not forget the fields during the rally. He raises them step by step.

Those with low costs are the ones he dislikes the most. He brings them profit, but never revives them.

It makes x5, you sell it, it increases x10 more.

That's what these devils do, and they're professionals.

In order to sit at the table with professionals, you need to eat 40 baked breads to reach your goal.

It takes a maximum of 3 weeks for them to receive the goods from you. Sometimes it takes 10 minutes.

You are a poor person who follows the phenomenon :) New project x100 etc etc.

To become a trader, you have to stay in the stock and coin markets for 15-20 years, but you think you became a trader in 20 days.

When someone who knows the business sees this group, he says wow, it's the same movie and the same scenes.

The introduction, development and result are always the same.