Explaining Bitcoin Halving for Beginners:

What is Bitcoin “sharding”?

A Bitcoin “halving,” or “halving” as some call it, is an event programmed into the Bitcoin protocol that occurs every 210,000 blocks, or roughly every four years. During this event, the mining reward for creating a new block of Bitcoin is halved.

Why does Bitcoin “splitting” happen?

Bitcoin “sharding” aims to achieve two main things:

Controlling inflation:

The Bitcoin protocol limits the total number of coins to just 21 million coins. “Hacking” Bitcoin slows the rate at which new Bitcoins are issued, which helps control inflation and preserve the value of the currency.

Enhance network security:

Bitcoin mining is an essential part of the operation of the Bitcoin network. “Hacking” Bitcoin incentivizes more miners to participate in securing the network by making the mining process more profitable.

How does "splitting" of Bitcoin affect the price of the coin?

The “splitting” of Bitcoin is expected to increase demand for the currency while decreasing supply.

History of Bitcoin “splitting”:

The Bitcoin “fork” first occurred in 2012, then again in 2016, and most recently in 2020.

Next Bitcoin “hardening” date:

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