I think that many traders cannot imagine that one day they will reach these high amounts and numbers.

But the smart trader who is proficient in this profession and masters all its requirements can reach tens of times these amounts, and the most important condition is that he stay away from greed because greed destroys you and your money.

How can you reach these numbers provided you avoid greed and risking big deals??!

The answer is simple: trading with little capital and small deals saves you from stress, and if you avoid stress and remain calm during trading, you can achieve gains, and a small gain is better than a big loss. Remember that small gains increase and grow day after day, and if you fail in one of the deals and lose, this loss will not be a burden or an obstacle to you. Because you entered with a small amount of capital and you still have a lot of money in your wallet, you can trade again and compensate for this small loss. But when you enter a large deal with a larger amount of capital and a sudden change occurs in the market, then this loss will destroy you, my dear. I hope that the information has arrived ✋..

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