The difference between old leeks and new leeks.

First of all, it is the position control. New leeks buy whatever coins are rising. They want to buy this and that. Before they know it, their positions are full.

They are reluctant to sell any of them, especially many of them are bought at high prices. Now they are losing money, and they must not sell at a loss, otherwise they will really become leeks.

However, old leeks usually have heavy positions in Bitcoin and Ethereum, and then the altcoins are also focused on high-quality mainstream coins. The positions are generally controlled at around 60% to 70%.

They will not chase any currency that has skyrocketed, but just see which currency is underestimated and no one pays attention to it, and ambush in advance.

Secondly, it is the mentality. In the face of market fluctuations, old leeks should eat and drink. They will buy at the bottom when the market plummets and reduce their positions when the market soars.

New leeks can't sleep all night in the face of fluctuations, especially after losing money, they can't get out for a long time. They want to operate madly, hoping to defeat the market with their own luck and strength.

Emotional fluctuations are huge... and then they fall into a vicious investment cycle in the currency circle.

#Meme #SAGA新币 #WIF

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