#ena ENA coin has been a bit erratic recently, and the market seems to be unpredictable about its trend. It falls when the market rises, and rises when the market falls, which is really confusing. However, just when the market pulled back last night, ENA coin also followed the decline, but in the long run, I am still optimistic about it.

In fact, ENA coin has successfully broken through the previous high, which means that it will open up a new space for growth and has unlimited potential in the future. For those friends who are currently stuck, there is no need to panic too much. The decline may be a good opportunity for you to get back on board. The key is to seize the opportunity and reasonably arrange the spot, which is the real hard truth.

From a technical analysis, the deduction position of 1.063 on the 6th seems to have become a strong pressure point, and ENA coin touched this area again on the 8th. Therefore, everyone needs to pay close attention to the breakthrough of this pressure point in operation. At the same time, I also provide some references for support and resistance levels: support levels are 1.180, 1.120 and 1.080; resistance levels are 1.220, 1.340 and 1.400.

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