Go with the flow and strictly stop loss.

Daily update on April 9, 2024: The US dollar index fluctuated downward and finally closed down 0.146% at 104.14. The US Treasury yield continued to rise. The 10-year US Treasury yield reached 4.467%, a four-month high, and finally closed at 4.43%. The 2-year US Treasury yield, which is most sensitive to the Fed's policy rate, closed at 4.799%.

Spot gold opened low and rose. It once rose by 1% in the early Asian session, hitting an intraday high for the seventh consecutive day, raising the historical high to US$2,353.82/ounce, and then the increase narrowed, and finally closed up 0.39% at US$2,338.94/ounce; spot silver once broke through US$28/ounce, hitting a three-year high, and finally closed up 2.13% at US$27.48/ounce.

Account status: total capital of 570,000+ (including dividends), principal of 150,000, and yield of 300+%. The total equity of the contract account is 500,000, the total position is 344,000, 50+ varieties, 180+ pending orders, and the transaction winning rate is as high as 70+%.

Risk warning: Leverage is not a devil, but a tool to improve the utilization rate of funds. Leverage itself has no risk, and the real risk comes from human nature.